Rejuvenating Spirit
Jul 18th, 2007 by Angela
In the course of my work as a Life Coach, I am always humbled by one experience, that of helping people find their purpose in life. When clients find what they are on this earth for, lights seem to come on for them and it is the beginning of a transformation in their lives.
Some 13 years ago, I did some training with a guy called Kevin W McCarthy in Orlando Florida. Kevin had written a book called “The On-Purpose Person” which I had read and on which a lot of our work is based. In the course of the training, Kevin invited us to explore the idea of having a Purpose in life. He had some tools which made articulating words that really meant something quite easy. I came up with a couple of words that sounded good to me at the time and thought I had completed the exercise.
Some considerable time later, when my husband and I were driving around New Zealand, he challenged me about the words I had chosen as embodying my Purpose in life. He thought that what I had chosen wasn’t really me. As we talked, admiring the magnificent mountain scenery so common in that part of the world, two new words came to me as the embodiment of what my life was really about. Suddenly I felt WOW! This fits! This is me! My two words were Rejuvenating Spirit. I exist to serve by Rejuvenating Spirit! It fitted across all my life areas as far as I could see and feel and it just seemed right.
As a B&B owner for six years, I found I was often doing just that with the people who came to stay. That was what I did with my husband, children, grandchildren and friends. It was the essence of who I was, and when I was going about what I did in the course of the day, I found myself rejuvenating the spirit of others. I felt fulfilled and at peace. Those words seem like my spiritual DNA and are so important to me now.
What two words would you pick to describe what you are about? Have fun thinking about it and see if it fits all areas of your life. I would love to hear from you.
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